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What is Acupuncture?


Acupuncture is a medical treatment developed through thousands of years of shared experience. Acupuncture has been used as a form of medicine for thousands of years. It focuses on the balance within an individual’s body and their environment. Treatment involves stimulation of acupuncture points along meridians that course throughout the body. We use various techniques based on your animal’s unique needs to stimulate these points. Techniques include targeting acupuncture points with dry needles, electrical stimulation, and performing aqua acupuncture with B12. Acupuncture can be used to treat various conditions, from pain caused by musculoskeletal disorders to internal disorders such as hormonal imbalances. The benefits of acupuncture include its ability to pinpoint sources of discomfort through examination of acupoints for reactivity, making it a valuable tool for veterinary care.

Is Acupuncture Supported by any Scientific Evidence?

Western science has only recently started catching up to what the Chinese learned through years of practice. Research shows that acupoints are locations within the body with a high density of nerve endings, mast cells, small blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels. Acupoints are located along Channels/Meridians, and although exactly how they are connected remains unknown, research shows that points on either side of a single meridian communicate. Ancient people discovered these acupuncture points because their stimulation releases beta-endorphins, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters released by the body from stimulating acupoints can cause pain relief and other benefits. Acupuncture, in addition to herbal supplementation,  can stimulate sweating in horses that experience anhidrosis (non-sweating), as supported by the American Veterinary Medical Association. The US National Institute of Health’s National Library of Medicine has over 20,000 articles on scientific research relating to the benefits of acupuncture, as its results are quantifiable.


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